A Cooperation Agreement for international internship is the legal instrument to be signed between UNIPAMPA and the institution/company that will grant the student the curricular internship (mandatory or not).

At UNIPAMPA, DAIINTER is responsible for analyzing and processing the processes of Cooperation Agreements for International Internships, celebrated with foreign institutions.

The process starts when a staff or faculty member inserts the documentation in the Electronic Information System (Sistema Eletrônico de Informações – SEI), choosing the option: DAIINTER – International Internship.

The following information must be attached to the process:

  1. letter from the Course Coordination, with the acknowledgment of the academic coordinator or campus director, with a request to sign the cooperation agreement for an international internship;
  2. protocols of approval by the Course Council; letter of intent between the institution or company (with justification of the request) and UNIPAMPA;
  3. documents of the legal responsible of the institution or company;
  4. legal representative documents;
  5. copy of the regiment, statute or other similar ones;
  6. institution or company data, such as the name of the legal responsible, number of identity card and address;
  7. copy of the legal responsible’s identity card;
  8. registration form – international internship; and
  9. certificate of compliance of the process with reference legal manifestation.

After receiving the process, DAIINTER does the translation of documents into Spanish or English, and gives the Protocol to the Strategic Committee for analysis regarding the proposal’s compliance with the PDI goals and possible external risks to the University.

If it is favorable, the process goes on for deliberation by the University Council (CONSUNI).

When approved, the Agreement is sent for signing by the parties, first to the grantor and later to the Rector.

In order to carry out an internship abroad, whether mandatory or not, it is necessary to sign an Internship Commitment Term.

It is important to note that the Agreement does not replace the Internship Commitment Term requirement.

Internships abroad must be preceded by the Internship Commitment Term and the activity plan. Both must be monitored by the internship supervisor as indicated by the foreign institution, as well as the presentation of activity reports. It is important to pay attention to the other necessary requirements for the internship.

The Agreement will last for 5 (five) years from the date of signature of the Rector, and it can be renewed by means of an implementation adjustment, and also be concluded at any time, at the request of either party, provided that it is communicated in writing within 30 (thirty) days in advance of the date on which the termination is intended, without prejudice to the conclusion of the internships in progress.

The Renewal of the Agreement must be requested 60 (sixty) days before the final date of validity, when the rendering of accounts must be presented, through the report of the activities carried out.

UNIPAMPA does not grant financial assistance of any kind for the costs related to the internship abroad. The student must provide all the conditions for its effectiveness.

At the moment, UNIPAMPA has the following Cooperation Agreements for International Internships:

  • Rice Research Australia Pty Ltd, Australia, until 2022
  • Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agropecuária (INIA), Uruguay, until 24/07/2022
  • Vinícola Viña Edén S.A., Uruguay, until 08/03/2023
  • Establecimiento Juanico S.A., Uruguay, until 2024