International Cooperation Agreement is a legal instrument that reflects a joint action of public entities with foreign public or private institutions or international organizations, in order to carry out activities related to teaching, researching, extension or management of public interest and that are conformity with the activities performed by the institution.

It is different from MOUs  because it is not a generic adjustment, but it must contain objective, clear and immediate obligations and the obligation to render accounts.

It is different from agreements, transfer contracts and terms of decentralized execution because there is no possibility of transferring resources between the participants.

At UNIPAMPA, DAIINTER is responsible for analyzing and processing the processes of International Cooperation Agreements, celebrated with foreign institutions.

National Cooperation Agreements are a responsibility of the Agreement Management Division.

The process is started by a server of the institution, who inserts the documentation in the Electronic Information System (SEI), choosing the option: International Relations: International Cooperation.

Must be attached to the process:

  1. requesting analysis of the request for formalization of the International Cooperation Agreement to DAIINTER;
  2. e-mails between the parties, including the acceptance of the protocol;
  3. protocol of approval by the Campus Council; brief description or justification for signing the Protocol;
  4. copies of the documents of the external responsible (documents of incorporation and functioning of the foreign entity and proof of competence of the legal representative of the foreign entity to enter into legal instruments and assume obligations, identity card, official document of appointment in the position and professional address);
  5. protocol approved by the other part;
  6. protocol of the Campus Management (Direção do Campus) with the signature agreement;
  7. declaration by the responsible for the Protocol, signed by the coordinators;
  8. declaration of object fulfillment signed by the coordinators;
  9. certificate of compliance of the process with reference legal manifestation; and
  10. work plan (required).

The Agreement must be signed in 2 (two) copies, in Portuguese and in the language of the foreign institution country, preferably in English or Spanish.

The extension must be adjusted by both of the institutions, with the reasons explained in the case file.

It must be signed by the legal representatives of the parties. It only produces legal effect after the publication of the extract in the official place of publicity of the public administration.

At the moment, UNIPAMPA has the following International Cooperation Agreements:

  • Universidad de Mendoza (Argentina), until 01/10/2025
  • Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain), until 11/11/2025
  • Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain),for Education Science only, until 11/11/2025
  • Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain), only for mobility, until 11/11/2025
  • Universitat de València (Spain), until doctoral defense
  • Tallin University (Estonia), until 01/04/2024
  • Escole Nationale Superieure de Chimie de Montpellier (France),specific for double degree, until 02/01/2023
  • Universidade de Évora (Portugal), until 17/10/2024
  • Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal), until 30/05/2024
  • Universidade de la República de Uruguay (Uruguay), tacit renewal
  • Universidad de la República de Uruguay (Uruguay), only for postgraduate degree in International Relations, until 02/09/2025
  • Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (Portugal), only for mobility, until 17/10/2024
  • Universidade Tecnológica de Uruguay (Uruguay),for administration only, until 31/08/2024
