Link CV Lattes:

2. DA COSTA, NADJA B.D. ; PAZINATO, JULIA C.O. ; SOMBRIO, GUILHERME ; PEREIRA, MARCELO B. ; BOUDINOV, Henri ; GÜNDEL, ANDRÉ ; MOREIRA, EDUARDO C. ; GARCIA, IRENE T.S. . Tungsten oxide thin films obtained by anodisation in low electrolyte concentration. Thin Solid Films

3. ALVES, RODRIGO MARTINS ; Rodembusch, Fabiano Severo ; HABIS, CHARLES ; Moreira, Eduardo Ceretta . FT-Raman and FTIR spectra of photoactive aminobenzazole derivatives in the solid state: A combined experimental and theoretical study. Materials Chemistry and Physics, v. 148, p. 833-840, 2014.
4. dos Reis, R.M.S. ; Maltez, R.L. ; Moreira, E.C. ; Dias, Y.P. ; Boudinov, H. . Raman and TEM characterization of high fluence C implanted nanometric Si on insulator. Applied Surface Science, v. 258, p. 7395-7400, 2012.
5. BAGANHA, C.C. ; RIBEIRO, E. ; SILVEIRA, E. ; BRASIL, M.J.S.P. ; IIKAWA, F. ; Sias, U.S. ; Moreira, E.C. ; Behar, M. . Temperature dependence of the light emission of Si nanocrystals embedded in SiO2. Physics Procedia, v. 28, p. 39-43, 2012.
6. Fabiana E.B. da SILVA ; ZIECH, C. ; Yara P. DIAS ; Moreira, E.C. ; Érico M.M. FLORES ; Marco F. FERRÃO . Quantitative Determination of Sulphamehoxazole and Trimethoprim in Powder Mixtures Using Raman Spectroscopy and PLS. Acta Farmaceutica Bonaerense, v. 30, p. 1216-1220, 2011.
7. Bregolin, F.L. ; Behar, M. ; Sias, U.S. ; Moreira, E.C. . Structural and photoluminescence properties of Si nanoclusters obtained by ion implantation into Si3N4 films. Journal of Luminescence, v. 131, p. 2377-2381, 2011.
8. Garcia, Irene Teresinha Santos ; Ribeiro, Patrícia Velleda ; Corrêa, Diogo Silva ; da Cunha, Igor Michel Neto ; Carreño, Neftali Lenin Villarreal ; Moreira, Eduardo Ceretta ; Rodembusch, Fabiano Severo . Photoactive thin films of polycaprolactam doped with europium (III) complex using phenylalanine as ligand. Applied Surface Science, v. 258, p. 1437-1442, 2011.
9. JAURIS, I ; KAUFMANN JUNIOR, C. G ; TASCHETTO, A. P ; VILLALBA, B ; DIAS, Y. P. ; ALVES, Marta Palma ; RAFFIN, R. ; Moreira, E.C. ; Fagan, S. . Produção de Nanotubos de Carbono via Técnica de Deposição Química de Vapor. Disciplinarum Scientia. Série Ciências Naturais e Tecnológicas, v. 12, p. 159-170, 2011.
10. Bregolin, F.L. ; Behar, M. ; Sias, U.S. ; MOREIRA, E. C. . Photoluminescence induced by Si implantation into Si3N4 matrix. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section B. Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, v. 267, p. 1314-1316, 2009.
11. Bregolin, F.L. ; Behar, M. ; Sias, U.S. ; Moreira, E.C. . Photoluminescence induced from hot Ge implantation into SiO2. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section B. Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, v. 267, p. 1321-1323, 2009.
12. Saraiva, G. ; Souza Filho, A. ; Braunstein, G. ; Barros, E. ; MENDES FILHO, J. ; MOREIRA, E. C. ; Fagan, S. ; Baptista, D. ; Kim, Y. ; Muramatsu, H. ; Endo, M. ; Dresselhaus, M. . Resonance Raman spectroscopy in Si and C ion-implanted double-wall carbon nanotubes. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, v. 80, p. 155452, 2009.
13. SIAS, U S ; BEHAR, Moni ; MOREIRA, E. C. . Passivation effect and photoluminescence decay lifetime of Si nanocrystals produced by hot implantation. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section B. Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, v. 266, p. 3125-3128, 2008.
14. SIAS, U S ; BEHAR, Moni ; BOUDINOV, Henri ; MOREIRA, E. C. . The post-annealing environment effect on the photoluminescence recovery of ion-irradiated Si nanocrystals. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section B. Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, v. 257, p. 6-10, 2007.
15. SIAS, U. S. ; BEHAR, Moni ; BOUDINOV, Henri ; MOREIRA, E. C. . Influence of the implantation and annealing parameters on the photoluminescence produced by Si hot implantation. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section B. Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, v. 257, p. 51-55, 2007.
16. SIAS, U S ; BEHAR, Moni ; BOUDINOV, Henri ; MOREIRA, E. C. . Optical and Structural Properties of Si Nanocrystals Produced by Si Hot Implantation. Journal of Applied Physics, v. 102, p. 043513-1-043513-9, 2007.
17. SIAS, Uilson Schwantz ; AMARAL, Livio ; BEHAR, Moni ; BOUDINOV, Henri ; MOREIRA, E. C. . Photoluminescence behavior of silicon nanocrystals produced by hot implantation in SiO2. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section B. Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Holanda, v. 242, n.1-2, p. 109-113, 2006.
18. FITZGERALD, C B ; VENKATESAN, M ; DORNELES, L S ; GUNNING, R ; STAMENOV, P ; COEY, J M D ; STAMPE, P A ; KENNEDY, R J ; MOREIRA, E. C. ; SIAS, U S . Magnetism in dilute magnetic oxide thin films based on SnO2. Physical Review B – Solid State, v. 74, n.1, p. 1-10, 2006.
19. MOREIRA, E. C.; SIAS, U S ; BEHAR, Moni ; BOUDINOV, Henri ; AMARAL, Livio . The excitation power density effect on the Si nanocrystals photoluminescence. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section B. Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, v. 250, n.1-2, p. 178-182, 2006.