GP Physiological Science

The Multicenter Postgraduate Program in Physiological Sciences (MPGPPS), from UNIPAMPA, Campus Uruguaiana, Master’s and Doctorate’s Degree modality, is proposed and coordinated by the Brazilian Society of Physiology (SBFis) and is constituted by the association in a network of productive researchers linked to Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in which the implementation of independent programs in physiological sciences is not yet possible (called/named Associated Institutions) and professors of well-established graduate programs (Nucleating Institutions). 

The course aims to train qualified professionals to work in physiology and related areas; to develop science of a high academic and technological level; the generation of knowledge, in harmony with the scientific, technological and social development of the country, as well as the strengthening and expansion of the Postgraduate Program in Physiological Sciences in Brazil.