GP Communications and Creative Industry

The Postgraduate Program in Communication and Creative Industry (PGCCI/UNIPAMPA), Campus São Borja, aims to train researchers/professionals with the ability to understand, reflect and intervene in the processes and configuration of products established in the articulation between communication and creative industry. Researchers who are, at the same time, professionals, who graduated to study and develop interventions, campaigns and communication tools, immersed in a diversity of cultural, political and economic scenarios; or still imbued with concepts/notions related to the aforementioned scenarios so that, faced with situations apparently lacking in culture, history and education, they behave attentively and sensitively to the possibilities of creative production. 

The course is divided into research lines (1) Communication as a creative industry: art, audiovisual production and media convergence and (2) Communication for the creative industry: education, memory, politics and economics.